Detroit Become Human
The project.
Quantic Dream
Music by
Nima Fakhrara, John Paesano, Philip Sheppard
Direction Musicale | Intégration Musicale | Production Musicale | Supervision Musicale
Media / Creative Universe
Jeux vidéo | Musique Interactive
Detroit: Become Human, the latest and most ambitious video game production from Quantic Dream. Featuring world-renowned actors like Jesse Williams (Grey’s Anatomy), Clancy Brown (Carnivale), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Bryan Dechart (True Blood) and Valorie Curry (Twilight), Detroit: Become Human puts the destiny of both mankind and androids in your hands, taking you to a near and not-so-impossible future where machines have become more intelligent than humans. Every choice you make affects the outcome of the game, with one of the most intricately branching narratives ever created.